The GetFundedAfrica WhatsApp Community!

Social media networks such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, among others, have undoubtedly modified the way businesses communicate and reach out to their target audiences, as well as any contact that would increase sales.

WhatsApp is especially helpful for connecting entrepreneurs with the resources they need to unlock their growth potential and build far deeper and stronger relationships with customers, fellow entrepreneurs, and even investors.

The GetFundedAfrica team understands and has observed the importance of connecting WhatsApp communities that share common interests and are committed to growing. Therefore, we have created different groups which would include startup founders, investors (VCs and angel investors), and entrepreneurs from across Africa. These WhatsApp communities have been divided into three groups to accommodate different types of business professionals.

Access to resources and networks has also been optimized, and you will be able to share and listen to entrepreneurial hacks and ideas, investor readiness tips, direct contact with investors, and the most recent fundraising news from across the continent.

Join the GetFundedAfrica WhatsApp Community today! Fill in this form to get started: GFA WHATSAPP FORM

Read Also: GetFundedAfrica Launches Founder Fundraising Program
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