GFA Daily Digest Monday, 22 February 2021

Latest News

Egyptian Tech startup Thndr Expands Offering

The investment is considered a low-risk and liquid investment instrument and enables users to invest in the fund daily and redeem from it weekly. Read more

Nigerian-Based fintech FairMoney, to launch its operations in India after recording success

FairMoney which set up a shop in India last year, just three years after launching its mobile lending service in Nigeria, wants to recreate the exponential growth in Nigeria in terms of loan disbursement. Read more

Click here to find out more!

Fintech startup LayUp, Launches Smart Tech solution that digitizes lay-by for merchants and consumers

Accessing the reporting tools provides insight into consumers’ purchase behavior, enabling the merchant to improve its business model and increase sales. Read more

Opinion Corner

Will Technology Reinvent ‘the New Normal’ in 2021?

In a year of uncertainty, it’s safe to say that technology was the one constant – the platform that transformed the fundamentals of commerce, healthcare, education, and financial services across the world. Read more

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