Tunisia’s Chamber of Commerce To Fund Startups Under New Scheme

The Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tunisia has just launched a national call to support the development of entrepreneurship among young Tunisians. The general objective of this call is to identify and select 25 young entrepreneur candidates with an innovative project idea, to finalize and develop, in different sectors like tourism, digitalization, services and l food industry.

Applicants wishing to participate in this call must submit their applications before August 15, specifies the Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry on its website.

This call is part of the Med microfinance support system for start-ups “MEDSt @ rts” project, funded by the European Union. MEDSt@rts aims essentially to promote access to credit for holders of usually “non-bankable” projects and support the creation of new economic and professional opportunities capable of contributing to social inclusion and the fight against unemployment of economically fragile people (young people, women, disabled and unemployed).

Source: https://afrikanheroes.com/2020/07/14/tunisias-chamber-of-commerce-to-fund-startups-under-new-scheme/

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