Safaricom and KEWI Join Forces to Revolutionize Water Management with Smart Water System Deployment

Safaricom and the Kenya Water Institute (KEWI) have joined forces to implement a Smart Water System across KEWI’s Nairobi and Kitui campuses. The primary objective of this collaboration is to enhance practical training opportunities and collaboratively develop a Smart Water Management curriculum for students at the institute. The partnership aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal 6, which focuses on ensuring universal access to clean water and sanitation while promoting sustainable water resource management.

“Safaricom is committed to its vision of being a purpose-led technology company by 2025. As part of this journey, we continue to partner with stakeholders to bring this vision to life. We recognise the importance of working with training institutions on relevant technology skills and onboarding the young generation in our Internet of Things (IoT) process as early as possible,” said Peter Ndegwa, Chief Executive Officer, of Safaricom.

Smart Water Management involves utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to effectively oversee the extraction, production, distribution, and usage of water. Through the implementation of smart water meters, real-time data collection becomes a reliable method. These meters enable efficient monitoring of utility consumption data, thereby facilitating the detection of losses and leaks. Furthermore, they ensure accurate billing, enhance revenue collection, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately lead to cost savings.

“We understand the place of IoT and as such we continue to embrace different technologies. Central to creating the Smart Meter and making it work is the IoT technology. It is at the heart of the new digital world and is already transforming business models and opening new products and services at a spectacular rate. Generated data can be used to boost efficiency, cut costs, save utility, and help your consumers organise their lives better,” Mr Ndegwa added.

The Kenya Water Institute is the authorized organization entrusted by the government to undertake capacity development initiatives for the water sector. In addition to offering short courses to water service providers, the institute possesses the expertise and experience to collaborate with Safaricom in customizing the Smart Water Management curriculum. KEWI is uniquely positioned to establish this partnership due to its specialized knowledge in the field.

“The partnership between KEWI and Safaricom on the Smart Water Management curriculum is a forward-thinking collaboration that aims to tackle the pressing issue of water scarcity by fostering awareness and practical solutions. This reflects a shared vision of leveraging technology and education to drive sustainable water practices and conservation,” said Dr. Leiro Letangule, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Water Institute.

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