3 Ways GetFundedAfrica (GFA) Connects Start-ups to Corporates

There are other business resources on its platform.

Every start-up requires some support to succeed at the onset or continue on a growth path. This assistance could be in any area of funding, networking opportunities, corporate finance and governance, learning, mentorship, entering new markets, acquiring licenses, taking risks, navigating partnership structures, understanding value proposition, marketing, brand positioning, pitching skills, etc. GetFundedAfrica(GFA), through its cloud-based technology platform, helps African start-ups grow and scale and acts as the middleman between start-ups and the resources (financial, human, intellectual, etc.) needed for their enterprise.

GFA offers such support in three ways:

Organizes an exclusive event. Like the corporation innovation enterprise forum hosted with Microsoft last year; an invitation-only event aimed at fostering cooperation between African start-ups and large companies. Given that Microsoft already supports the African ecosystem by giving founders the necessary information, funding and platform to grow, this collaborative gathering perfectly fits GFA’s mission to enable African start-ups. It also provided networking, matchmaking and pitching opportunities for the start-ups and corporates in attendance.  

Facilitates mentoring alliances. This is another method in which GFA connects start-ups to corporates. In business as well as in life, mentorship is a vital resource for advancement and success. It is proof of the saying by Isaac Newton: If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. Within its community of over 2,500 start-ups and 50, 000 SMEs across the African continent, GFA has access to giants who are seasoned professionals from various walks of life. GFA connects start-ups with these individuals who informally support, advise and guide founders on their entrepreneurial paths. They also share their experiences, build trust and model positive behaviours to their mentees.

Refers a start-up or two. As mentioned above, GFA boasts a vast network of human resources relevant to the success of the African start-up ecosystem. The third way it connects start-ups to corporates is through referrals. As a trusted source, GFA refers to start-ups whose products or services might benefit corporates or whom corporates may be interested in collaborating with. This referral builds credibility and opens doors to new opportunities for the start-ups.

About GetFundedAfrica

GetFundedAfrica is a cloud-based technology platform specializing in developing software that helps businesses to fundraise, grow, and tell their stories. Whether you want to raise funds ranging from $100k to $50m, scale your business or share your entrepreneurial journey, sign up for free at www.getfundedafrica.com

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