Egypt’s Glamera raises six-figure investment to further expand its beauty services platform in Saudi

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Cairo-headquartered beauty services booking platform Glamera has raised six-figure investment from Saudi’s Dual Gate Investment Holding, it announced in a statement. The startup did not disclose the exact size of the investment. This comes less than a year Glamera had raised $250,000 from an unnamed angel investor.

Founded in 2019 by Mohamed Hassan, Omar Fathy, and Zafer Alshehri, Glamera enables women to book appointments for beauty and health services at salons, spas, gyms, and diet and dental clinics, through its mobile app. The users can browse different services to find the available options, see their prices, book appointments with them, and even pay for the services right from the app.

First launched in Cairo, Glamera had expanded to Saudi and Iraq earlier this year and with the fresh funds it plans to expand its services further in Riyadh and Jeddah.

Mohamed Hassan, the co-founder & CEO of Glamera told MENAbytes that Covid-19 has accelerated the demand for their services. He said that the users now prefer to book appointments with salons instead of simply walking into them which has also resulted in more service providers now using its services.

Glamera claims to have 100,000 users (it did not clarify what this means but it is apparently referring to sign-ups on its platform) and over 700 providers. Its app now also allows users to book home visits of different providers or even request remote diet, beauty or dental consultation with its partners.

The company operates across Riyadh, Jeddah, Cairo, Alexandria and Erbil, and is looking to expand its footprint into more cities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia as well as in the UAE, Iraq and Kuwait.

“We have a powerful team of the best technical developers and expert project managers, working continuously to improve the design of the application interface to suit users, in addition to coming up with a recent version of the application within days that will impress users”, added Omar Fathy, chief technology officer (CTO) at Glamera.

Currently, the platform has 100,000 active users in addition to 600 providers in Egypt and another 120 in Riyadh.


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In this episode of GFA Attract, Nichole discusses with Dr. May Ikeora, an Academic Author, Ex-Beauty Queen, Independent Consultant (Gender & Human Rights) and currently CEO – L’Avyanna UK. L’Avyanna products are traded in the United Kingdom, Italy, the U.S.A and other various countries. Dr. May is also highly active in empowering and advocating for the rights of girls through her Raising Girls Project. She achieved these whilst also managing the Miss Nigeria Organisation (est. 1957).
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