Profile: Simon Tkachenko

Simon is a finance professional with over 10 years of experience across various industries, including banking, manufacturing, and defense services. Prior to his most recent role, Simon led the financial performance and strategy of the Debt Protection product, a tangential product offered to credit card customers at Synchrony financial which generated over $300M in revenue annually. 

In addition, Simon held various roles on the risk management team and played an integral role in the IPO process of Synchrony Financial.  Simon also has consulting experience with The Hackett Group where he supported and lead transformation projects focused on best practice implementation and process optimization. Simon attended Northeastern University – undergraduate studies and NYU Stern for his graduate studies.

Watch Simon’s exclusive interview here

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Emerging Opportunities In Growth Sectors Amid Covid-19 Crises

With the Covid-19 pandemic pushing the global economy (Nigeria inclusive) to record decline, creativity and innovation in goods and services have become very imperative and necessary, perhaps the competitive advantage factor. Opportunities for productivity and economic optimization abound in sectors like healthcare, agriculture and food, manufacturing, ICT amongst others. Read more

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