Tunisian telecoms VAS content aggregation startup Galactech raises 6-figure investment

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Tunisian startup Galactech, a telecom VAS content aggregator, has raised a six-figure funding round to help it further develop its product and expand internationally.

Launched in 2016, Galactech offers content creators and startups the opportunity to sell their products in gaming, VoD, and utility to mobile network operator (MNO) clients.

The startup, which recently took part in the Orange Fab Tunisia accelerator and previously raised US$200,000 in seed funding, has now raised a six-figure investment from the Oman Technology Fund (OTF) and other business angels.

Galactech, which allows content creators and startups to provide value added services (VAS) to African and Middle Eastern MNOs, will use the funding to enter new international markets while proposing innovative solutions. It has already partnered with 30 international operators.

Source: https://disrupt-africa.com/2020/07/tunisian-telecoms-vas-content-aggregation-startup-galactech-raises-6-figure-investment/

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