AfricaCom 2020 Symposium Day 1

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Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Time: 11:00 AM South Africa Standard Time

Duration: 3 hours


Join AfricaCom and Connecting Africa for a special two-day digital symposium that will discuss the most impactful issues driving the continent’s tech and innovation ecosystems.

DAY ONE – Session 1 @ 11:00 AM SAST

African Telecoms Outlook 2020

Speakers: Paula Gilbert, Connecting Africa editor

This year did not begin the way most people expected it to, so what does the future of the telecoms sector look like in Africa in 2020? In this Connecting Africa online event, local analysts and industry stakeholders will discuss what African operators’ priorities for the year should be and the most significant market trends expected to dominate in 2020.

12:15 PM – 12:30 PM  BREAK

DAY ONE – Session 2 @ 12.30 PM SAST

Exploring the Value of 5G in Africa

Speakers: Paula Gilbert, Connecting Africa editor

The majority of 5G in Africa is still in the testing stage. However, as operators prepare their networks for the technology jump, what strategies are they deploying to ensure they gain the full value that 5G can offer Africa? This digital symposium will give you an insight into the opportunities and challenges facing Africa’s 5G rollout, with some country specific case studies unpacked.

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GetFundedAfrica is a technology-based, business information platform operated by Afriscaper Research & Consulting Limited with a mission to reduce barriers to funding for African businesses. GFA matches investor ready, African & African-Diaspora owned companies with global investors, leveraging market research, industry data and news aggregation

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Entrepreneurs and businessmen alike have a crucial and pivotal role in the unemployment and collective required economic output crisis in Africa. Securing investment and funding to facilitate growth and economic impetus thus lies heavily in the minds of businessmen. The challenges of creating the right business plan, a realistic budget to gain traction and identifying adequate potential investors can sometimes be such a daunting process, and creates an avenue to be blindsided without proper guidance, representation or advice. Read more

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