The role of energy storage in microgrids

Meeting rising electricity demand in a globalised and continuously electrified society while decarbonizing energy generation to protect our climate are triggering the demand for new approaches in the energy sector.

Microgrids based on renewable sources can be one approach to secure local energy supply while meeting economic and ecological targets. Storage technologies play a key role in the successful integration of these renewable sources, both on- and off-grid. Different energy storage technologies are available, in different sizes and for different purposes.

This webinar will give you an overview about these technologies and their characteristics. We will further focus on Li-ion battery storage systems and their role within decentralized energy systems such as microgrids and hybrid solutions.

Paired with case studies, we discuss technical & customer applications and present commercial and economic benefits. A brief outlook for future technology developments, hurdles & opportunities will complete the session.

What you will learn:

-Gain an insight into the value of energy storage in our changing energy landscape and understand major market trends

-Learn about different types of energy storage and their individual characteristics

-Understand in detail the capabilities, use cases and benefits of Li-Ion battery technology

-See how energy storage has been applied in recent use cases


Lucas Brucker, Business Development Manager| Rolls-Royce

Thom Versteeg, Business Development Manager | Rolls-Royce Moderator:

Stefanie Cray, Business Development Manager | Rolls-Royce

Join the debate at the power dialogue on Thursday, July 23rd 2020 by 5pm

Venue: Zoom and Facebook

Register here

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