Webinar- "The new necessary" for managing front-line employees

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The pandemic exposed critical gaps for many businesses, specifically a lack of a direct connection to hourly workers at the frontline. The most critical needs were around the ability to connect and educate frontline workers with traceable and auditable communications, training, and scheduling while keeping customers and employees healthy and safe.

As businesses restart, another set of issues is coming centered on employee financial stress, retention, and the impact on customer experience.

In the USA alone, 78% of workers live paycheck-to-paycheck. We have partnered with some of our world-renowned brands to develop ExpressPay as a benefit within our Digital Workplace solution, delivering the ability to drive the employee experience and customer experience simultaneously. Learn more through this 30-minute live webinar hosted by WorkJam CEO Steven Kramer. Please register to join us.


 Steven Kramer
  WorkJam, Inc. 

As CEO, Steven has more than 20 years of executive leadership experience driving business results and developing disruptive technologies for the retail industry. In 1999, Steven co-founded iCongo, which merged with hybris Software in 2011 and became the largest independent provider of e-commerce solutions. While innovating in retail, Steven identified a gap between traditional workforce management and the employee experience and co-founded WorkJam, where he is responsible for the strategic direction of the company.


Title: “The “New Necessary” for Managing Frontline Employees,” presented by WorkJam and SmartBrief

Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 30 minutes

Register Here

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