LIVE: "Building in tough times

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This Friday, July 10th, for the 5th episode of “Building in tough times” we are interviewing, Omowale David-Ashiru, Vice President – Global Operations at Andela, the global tech talent provider which recently pivoted to a fully remote model.

Andela has had to make some tough decisions in the midst of the pandemic.

Omowale’s team is responsible for creating an environment that fosters effective work for its fully remote workforce across seven countries with unit economics that is viable for sustained growth and scaling of the company.

Omowale will answer questions including:
How Andela is navigating the crisis and lessons for business leaders.How do tech business leaders respond during this crisis?What are the critical success factors for founders/startups during this crisis?What are the things that could kill a startup?What opportunities should startups look out for?
Attendees will be able to ask Omowale David-Ashiru burning questions in an interactive session. The event is open to experienced and aspiring entrepreneurs as well as everyone else who is playing in the African technology industry.

The “Building in Tough Times” interview series is part of our TechCabal Live virtual event series which features experienced players in Africa’s tech ecosystem sharing insights and experiences about topical issues. It is part of our work to provide insight and thoughtful guidance to the industry.

Register here to join the session

GetFundedAfrica is a technology-based, business information platform operated by Afriscaper Research & Consulting Limited with a mission to reduce barriers to funding for African businesses. GFA matches investor ready, African & African-Diaspora owned companies with global investors, leveraging market research, industry data and news aggregation

GFA’s must read weekend feature entitled Making Finance Work For Agriculture in Africa [Part 2] has been released. Read more

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