ABC Fund to finance the expansion of agribusiness Dragon Farming in Ghana

Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund), a fund that targets companies in the agro-industrial value chain in developing countries, will support the expansion of soybean processing company Dragon Farming Limited in Ghana. ABC will provide €800,000 and technical assistance to the company, which markets finished soybean processing products to companies involved in animal care and nutrition.

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While animal feed production on the continent grew by 5% in 2019, Dragon Farming expects this upward trend to continue over the next few years. The Ghanaian agribusiness company, which wants to strengthen its position in this sector, plans to increase its production level, reduce costs, and recruit staff.

ABC Fund is a fund co-managed by Bamboo Capital Partners and Injaro Investments Limited. Its strategy involves both loans and equity investments. Eligible companies obtain between $25,000 and $1 million to support their activities and finance their expansion.


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