Webinar: How can robotics startups respond to the urgent need for automation on the farm?

Another week, another part of the agrifood supply chain that’s struggling from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Last month, the challenge facing the meat industry was top of the headlines, as large processing plants were forced to shut after numerous workers contracted the virus.

This month, we’re seeing whole workforces in the produce industry come down with the virus, threatening the summer harvest of fruits and vegetables. Other parts of the world are experiencing similar labor shortages; the #PickforBritain campaign in the UK is a case in point. But labor shortages are nothing new for agriculture — the West Coast of the US has been struggling with this challenge for years; Covid-19 is merely exacerbating this existing problem. Is it sustainable and efficient to import labor from other countries like the US and the UK do?

The need for automation in the food and agriculture industry is now. But are the robots ready to be unleashed?

Join AgFunder’s Rob Leclerc and Louisa Burwood-Taylor in conversation with Josh Lessing, cofounder and CEO of Root AI (AgFunder portfolio company), and Igino Cafiero, cofounder and CEO of Bear Flag Robotics to find out where robotics innovation is today, the challenges to scaling it, and the opportunities for investors.

Time: Jun 10, 2020 09:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

NB: spaces will be limited so make sure to join on time to secure your spot!

Book your spot here

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