18 Pitching Essentials: How To Pitch An Idea To Investors (And Early Customers)

Stage 1: Understand what makes a compelling pitch

“You have 90 seconds, if you’re lucky. If you can’t make your point persuasively in that time, you’ve lost the chance for impact. Facts and figures are important, but it’s not the only criteria, you must present in a manner that generates expertise and confidence.”

A good pitch balances business and emotional needs. Whether you’re pitching to a company, an investor, a customer, or a potential partner, you have to hit them on both emotional and business levels. Without this, your pitch is almost certain to fall flat.

A good pitch is succinct. In most cases you only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention and get your point across. Focus and momentum are your friends.

A good pitch tells a story. Humans have been telling tales for thousands of years. Which is why it’s a great idea for the flow of your pitch, whether verbal or in a slide deck, to follow a narrative pattern.

A good pitch focuses on benefits. Value beats price every single time. Rather than focus on cost or features, your pitch needs to focus on the value you’re going to create for the person you’re pitching.

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