yolda Raises $830K in Seed Funding

yolda, a Turkish digital logistics startup, raised $830K in seed funding. The round was led by Collective Spark with participation from angel investors Barbaros Özbuğutu (founder of iyzico), Florian Gschwandtner (founder of Runtastic), Marcus Mosen (investor in N26, iyzico) and Stefan Kalteis.

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The company intends to use the funds to expand its team and increase automation and operational efficiency.

Co-founded by Volkan Özkan and C. Murad Özsert, Yolda is a digital logistics operator providing a marketplace service that offers partial shipment services to businesses through automating transportation processes and digitizing logistics operations. Companies can also track their shipments via the company’s intelligent control panel and measure their logistics operations performance with detailed reporting services. yolda provides services for logistics operations from Istanbul to 80 provinces and 922 districts.

Source: http://www.finsmes.com/2020/05/yolda-raises-830k-in-seed-funding.html

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