Final call for startups to enter Lagos Urban Innovation Challenge

Utopia, an organisation that helps foster and fund innovation in emerging market cities, has made a final call for startups to enter the Lagos Urban Innovation Challenge.

Utopia Lagos managing partner Emmanuel Adegboye said the challenge aims to promote solutions that can help solve critical urban issues in Lagos, Nigeria.

The challenge is open to early stage startups and social entrepreneurs with solutions that can shape the Lagos of the future.

Winners of the Lagos Urban Innovation Challenge will get access to Africa’s first ever virtual urban accelerator

Applications close on 31 May.

Winners will get access to Africa’s first ever virtual urban accelerator, over $10 000 worth of resources and access to a support network from partners that include Amazon Web Services, Skoll Foundation, Lagos Innovates, Future Africa, The Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation and Rain Tree.

Utopia were founded in 2016 after a decade working in cities in Asia. The organisation is based in San Francisco, with partners in various cities.

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